New Country Walking out Thursday: Record Breakers!

Get ready for the a record-breakingly fun, sunny, and inspiring new edition of the UK’s best-selling outdoors magazine – and home of #walk1000miles

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There’s no better time to be inspired, full of amazing facts and brimming with ambition than at the beginning of the summer holidays. This bumper edition of walking wonders is brought to you by the optimistic blare of Roy Castle’s trumpet!

As walkers we’re not record-chasers (unless it’s first back to the walkers’ bar), but when it comes to the places that are themselves record-breakers, that’s a different matter. There’s a definite magnetism about places that are the tallest, smallest, oldest, longest, deepest or weirdest, whether we speak of our home nations, or Great Britain, or even the planet.

Visiting them feels like sharing in the mythos of the land. And the ability to say you’ve been to them, climbed them, touched them, swam in them or you can tell a tale an eye-opening tale about them, well it’s a great feeling. (And nothing motivates a family unit faster!) Let this issue be your guide and almanack!

Also inside we’ve an exclusive interview with Ray Mears, a guide to finding treasure in fields that really works, a huge guide to walking shoes, a heart-warming tribute to the unparalleled welcome of the walking world whoever you are, the most magical destination for the post-lockdown serenity seeker and all the sweetest sights, sounds and sensations of summer.

In shops, app stores and available to buy online now in print, single-issue form with free first-class delivery. Or pay less, get a great deal and have your copies come early, 13 times a year by subscribing.

Dedication’s what you need.

Dedication’s what you need.