Want to be in the magazine? Tell us how the challenge has changed your life


#walk1000miles changes lives for the better.

In small ways and sometimes enormous ways, walking more, with the support of the #walk1000miles community behind you, fixes things, starts things, creates things. It makes the world and our selves seem better things to inhabit. Here at Country Walking magazine, we want as many people as possible to feel the benefit – and the most powerful thing we have to draw on is the evidence of your feelings and experiences.

When you've got 15 minutes free, please will you tell us, via the Q&A linked below – and with as much chatty honesty as you can muster – what difference #walk1000miles has made to you? It’s a great chance to get yourself in the pages of Britain’s best-selling outdoors magazine, particularly if taking part has…

Made you MUCH happier

Helped you OVERCOME a trouble

Led you to Fall in LOVE or fix a relationship


REVERSED or HALTED a decline


Led you to do or start something AMAZING

Changed the way you FEEL ABOUT YOUR BODY

Led to your REALLY SURPRISE yourself or others

Been a triumph AGAINST THE ODDS

15 minutes to change another life

It’s quite detailed, and if you've got a lot to say – please take time to say all you want. And by the way it doesn't matter if you've hit your target, have some way to go or are miles off. Your perspective matters. We'll read everything, and who knows who might be nudged by your experience into making a decision to take part that might transform their sense of what's possible. It's happened before.

Thank you!